Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We are all one

Especially when you have a boss, a teacher, or some sort of societal superior who pays you / grades you / critiques you, it becomes challenging to remember that we are all one, that we are all the same, that we are all doing the best that we can, that we are each on our own simultaneous, unique paths - while remaining as one. We are all one! Remember this, whenever you let yourself feel lesser or better than anybody else, you are not. When I feel intimidated or nervous or inferior to, say, a boss, or someone who has authority over me in the physical world, I have begun repeating that mantra. It really helps, not only with lessening those feelings of inferiority and needless anxiety, but also just to calm down, to remember who you are, to come back into your body. It's really important to remember, in all situations, in all walks of life: you are one with everyone and everything around you.

Day 18

  • I am true to myself. I honor myself. I respect myself. I cherish myself. I approve of myself.
  • I recognize that I am one to everyone and everything. Therefore, I see the beauty in everyone and everything.
  • I am beautiful. I am healthy. I treat my body, soul, and mind with the utmost love and respect.
  • I let go of fear. I surrender my ego. I am love and I am light.
  • I am happy, now. I am immersed in the present moment. I live fully and consciously with each breath.
  • I am strong. I am self-confident. I am talented. I trust myself.
  • I trust in the flow of life. I recognize that everything happens intentionally, and contributes to my greatest good.
  • I am so grateful for my prosperity, for my well-supported life, for allowing the wealth of the universe to flow through my veins.
  • I am energetic. I am a current of energy. I protect my energy. I am balanced. I am empathically protected.
  • I understand that we are all one. We are all equal. I am love, you are love, he is love, she is love.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I am, not I do

Oftentimes in this society we are dictated by the words "I do." I do this job, I do this career, I do this degree, I do these things. Look at what I've done, see my accomplishments. I am not above this - I've time and time again fallen into the same egoic hole. If there's any human "curse," surely it is that!

Lately I am privy to the difference between "I do" and "I am." It's not what you "do" for a living and the trophies you've won that necessarily matters. What matters is following your bliss, being true to who you are, practicing acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm (in the wise words of Eckhart Tolle). If you practice acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm in this truth to yourself, what you do - your outer purpose - will also fall into place.

Day 17

  • I am intuitive. I am wise. I am strong. I am true to myself.
  • I am love. I am peace. I am beauty. I am one - with you, with all.
  • I am fully immersed in the present moment. I am living entirely in the now.
  • I am beautiful. I am fit. I am active. I feel good and I treat myself well.
  • I am happy - right here, right now. I bring my own sunshine, wherever I go.
  • I am appreciative of myself. I am gentle on myself. I love myself. I cherish myself. I honor myself.
  • I am talented. I am confident. I am courageous. I am bold. I am lively.
  • I am secure. I am stable. I am grounded. I am pure. I am peaceful. 
  • I release all my worries, all negativity. I surrender. I trust in the flow of life.
  • I am comfortable in my own skin. I love myself and am one with God, and foster healthy relationships.

Friday, December 23, 2011

healing gold and blue

It's easy to lose yourself in your job, in a relationship, in a situation, especially if you do not have firm boundaries. In Chicago, a friend taught me to visualize yourself surrounded by gold, and to circulate blue (generally a healing color) throughout your body, whenever you feel your boundaries falter. For some, you may need to do this a few times a day. Take a few minutes to yourself, visualize a gold shield around you, empathically protecting you. Cleanse and balance your chakras with the blue healing light that you circulate from your crown chakra through the bottoms of your feet - and emerge feeling renewed. Intend it - and it will be. Remember that you are love, we all are love, and we all are one.

Day 16

  • I am whole. I am complete. 
  • I am immersed in the NOW. This moment is my purpose.
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am beautiful. I see myself clearly.
  • I am worthy. I am intelligent. I am magnetic.
  • I am loving. I am love. I give and receive love freely.
  • I am energetically balanced. I am energetically cleansed.
  • I take care of myself. I am gentle on myself. I love myself and approve of myself.
  • I am good to my body, my mind, and my soul. I nurture my spirit.
  • I am freely me.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Energetic balance

Upon starting my new job, it took me about a week to assimilate and allow my professional and personal lives to integrate into a joint energetic life, if that makes sense. Today I am re-introducing into my schedule the practices that have so benefitted my life as of late, and I couldn't be more excited and filled with joy. I woke up this morning so humbled, blessed, and filled with gratitude for the amazing people in my life, for the wonderful opportunities I've been afforded, and for a remembrance that every one of us is of the same fibre - every one of us is a part of this oneness. I love that feeling, that remembrance. It's really the most beautiful thought.

Day 15

  • I love myself. I approve of myself. I accept myself. I cherish myself. I honor myself.
  • I am happy - right here, right now. I am fully immersed in the present.
  • I am full of love, peace, and joy. I share this love, peace, and joy with everyone.
  • I am grateful for everyone and everything.
  • I see the beauty in everyone and in everything - I understand the oneness that encompasses all.
  • I am self-confident. I am bold. I am lively. I am courageous. I am self-aware. 
  • I am talented. I am intelligent. I am ambitious. I am passionate. I am hard-working.
  • I show love to myself and others. I am so happy to be alive - I am so happy for this day.
  • I enjoy each breath, each moment, each smile. I live gently, I live fully.
  • I am unique. I am beautiful. I am grateful. I am peaceful. I am empathically protected.