Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We are all one

Especially when you have a boss, a teacher, or some sort of societal superior who pays you / grades you / critiques you, it becomes challenging to remember that we are all one, that we are all the same, that we are all doing the best that we can, that we are each on our own simultaneous, unique paths - while remaining as one. We are all one! Remember this, whenever you let yourself feel lesser or better than anybody else, you are not. When I feel intimidated or nervous or inferior to, say, a boss, or someone who has authority over me in the physical world, I have begun repeating that mantra. It really helps, not only with lessening those feelings of inferiority and needless anxiety, but also just to calm down, to remember who you are, to come back into your body. It's really important to remember, in all situations, in all walks of life: you are one with everyone and everything around you.

Day 18

  • I am true to myself. I honor myself. I respect myself. I cherish myself. I approve of myself.
  • I recognize that I am one to everyone and everything. Therefore, I see the beauty in everyone and everything.
  • I am beautiful. I am healthy. I treat my body, soul, and mind with the utmost love and respect.
  • I let go of fear. I surrender my ego. I am love and I am light.
  • I am happy, now. I am immersed in the present moment. I live fully and consciously with each breath.
  • I am strong. I am self-confident. I am talented. I trust myself.
  • I trust in the flow of life. I recognize that everything happens intentionally, and contributes to my greatest good.
  • I am so grateful for my prosperity, for my well-supported life, for allowing the wealth of the universe to flow through my veins.
  • I am energetic. I am a current of energy. I protect my energy. I am balanced. I am empathically protected.
  • I understand that we are all one. We are all equal. I am love, you are love, he is love, she is love.

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