Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today, I am happy. I am remembering again the power I have over my happiness, over my peace. I am remembering again the joy in living in the moment, in being fully present. Why is this so difficult for most of us? We are so used to the go-go-go mentality, the "in the future I will do this, be this, earn this" mentality. I still struggle with this mentality, and its escape, every single day. But today, I remember. I remember that there is only this moment. I remember that dwelling in the past or dwelling in the future does me no good - those moments do not exist. Only this moment exists. Today, I recognize this. And I pat myself on the back for this small step. Remember to always give yourself credit for the small things. Always be gentle on yourself. You are living this moment as you are supposed to, you are in the perfect situation for you, everything happens for a reason, as they say, do not fight the Universe. The Universe fully supports you, always will, and has for lifetimes. Oh, and you are a beautiful being, united with all.

Day 19
  • I am so happy, right here. Right now.
  • I am peaceful. I am a beacon of peace. I have great inner peace.
  • I am love. I express love to everyone and everything. I love myself.
  • I am confident. I am courageous. I believe in myself.
  • I am trusting of the Universe. I surrender to the Universe.
  • I am grateful for everything and everyone. I am grateful for this moment.
  • I am fully immersed in the present moment. I am living in the now.
  • I am talented. I am beautiful. I am free. 
  • I am worthy. I am deserving. I am prosperous.
  • I am alive. I am energetic. I am enthusiastic.

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