Monday, January 30, 2012

i don't let anyone or anything bring me down!

....and I hope you don't, either! Of course, this is incredibly easier said than done...but then again, it starts with affirming it, with saying it! Know who you are, and that you are beautiful and can truly do and be everything and anything that you desire! Always keep your thoughts positive, energized, and true to your highest self. And remember, every moment is perfect and every experience in your life, good or bad, is an opportunity for your soul to grow.

Day 22

  • I am beautiful, prosperous, wealthy, happy, content, joyous, peaceful.
  • I am fully accepting and loving of who I am.
  • I have much to offer to the world and to myself.
  • I attract love and abundance.
  • I am talented, self-confident, and courageous.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am peaceful, centered, and fearless.
  • I am love and light, and I give love and light to all.
  • I am trusting of my angels and the universe.
  • I honor myself and all others.

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