Tuesday, January 31, 2012

find your healing medium

I may sound like a broken record when I comment on the healing power of music. Lately I've rediscovered this joy, through an act of divine intervention. I no longer have my car, and so I've begun walking to and from work. It's made such a difference - inhaling fresh, clean, crisp air, getting some exercise, and listening to some good tunes on the way. I realize everyone has their own source(s) of healing - whether that be music, art, running, writing, giving, etc etc! My coworker Allyson is an artist - and everytime she visits a new city, she makes it a priority to visit the local art museum. She decorates our desk area with cardboard boxes that she's used to create unique, interesting sculpture-shapes (on the spot), and really sees an artistic quality in the most seemingly mundane of things. That is one of her healing sources. I'm positive we each have endless healing sources to yet discover, and that is the joy of life.

Day 23

  • I am beautiful. I love myself, and I approve of myself.
  • I am talented. I am courageous and self-confident. I know who I am.
  • I am living in the present moment. I see the beauty in each moment.
  • I see the beauty and joy in everyone and in everything. I understand that each person is perfect.
  • I fully trust in the universe and in my angels. I surrender to the forces that be.
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I give love to everyone. I receive love from everyone. I attract love into my life.
  • I am prosperous. I have everything that I need. I am well-provided for.
  • I am surrounded by loving family and friends, for whom I am most grateful.
  • I am fearless. I am bold. I am courageous. I am confident. 

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