Monday, January 9, 2012

the right spirit to begin the new week

Day 21
  • I am free and able to do with my life as I choose. I am the captain of my soul, the master of my destiny. I control my fate. I live my life openly, lovingly, and I follow my intuition.
  • I am so happy, wherever I am, in each moment. I am happy - right here, right now. I remember each day that I am responsible for my own happiness, at all times.
  • I am self-confident. I am courageous. I am creative. I believe in myself. I am strong. I am fearless. I am open. I am open-minded. I am talented. I am capable.
  • I am an endless reservoir of energy. I protect and preserve my energy. I am empathically protected. I treat myself - body, mind, and soul - very well.
  • I love myself. I honor myself. I approve of myself. I respect myself. I cherish myself. I value myself. I take care of myself. I treat myself well. I am gentle on myself.
  • I am a loving being. I give love to all, and I receive love from all. I enjoy myself in every moment. I am compassionate. I am understanding. I understand that we all are one.
  • I am ambitious. I live out my dreams. I know that I can do anything - it is written in the law of attraction. I follow my desires. I respond to my intuition, to my guidance.
  • I listen to my angels. I hear my angels. I understand my angels. I am open to my angels. I see the signs from the Universe all around me. I am always aware of these signs.
  • I am love. I am light. I am energy. I am everything and everyone. I am open to change, to being. I am open to whatever comes. I am free. I am fully immersed in each day, in each life.
  • I am committed to my lifestyle of raw foods, yoga, meditation, Reiki, writing, reading, gratitudes, affirmation, breathing, loving, generosity. I am grateful for all that is.

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