Monday, October 31, 2011

you are who you choose to be

Time and time again, I always return to the proclamation that you are who you choose to be. You are what you affirm. You are what you believe of yourself. The thoughts that you have, the words that you speak, the attitudes that you adopt, thus are so incredibly important - because they become reality. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Your thoughts manifest into reality. Think positively. Believe in yourself. Affirm great things for yourself - and believe these great things. If you just say the words, and no belief is attached - nothing will manifest, and your situation will remain the same. The key is to speak and believe - to proclaim and to know. The other key? Love yourself.

Day 4
  • I love myself.
  • I approve of myself.
  • I respect myself.
  • I am gentle on myself.
  • I care for myself.
  • I respect myself.
  • I am proud of myself.
  • I have high self-worth.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I am happy to be me.

Friday, October 28, 2011

a proclamation of self

I am who I choose to be. I choose to be me. I full, wholeheartedly accept myself for who I am, and I love myself for who I am. Because of this, I respect myself. I am gentle on myself. I take care of myself. I nurture myself. I adore myself and treat myself well. I believe in myself. I am self-confident. I have high self-worth. I know who I am, and I embrace who I am. I love myself. I am me.

We should recite something like this into our mirrors each morning and each evening. A Proclamation of Self! It's so important to believe in yourself, to be who you are, to express who you are. Each of us is truly unique, each of us has so much to offer to the world, there is nobody like me, like you, like he, like she. "I love myself" is the hardest thing to say, oftentimes. One of my spiritual mentors, Louise Hay - author of many acclaimed books, including one of my all-time favorites "You Can Heal Your Life," has readers affirm to themselves each day in the mirror, "I love you, Jamie Nicole Prosser," several times over. Most people cannot take this seriously, she explains, due to low self-worth, feelings of inferiority, self-hatred, self-disgust. That is no kind of life to live! We've all been there...let us rise up against low self worth, and love ourselves fully! There is no one like you or me in the existence of the world - let us embrace this fact with all our might and love, love, love ourselves dearly.

Day 3
  • I am a talented songwriter musician who shares her talents by performing, often.
  • I am a successful Reiki practitioner who attracts many wonderful clients.
  • I am surrounded by loving people and loving circumstances.
  • I am me, and I love myself!
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am healthy, fit, and attractive.
  • I have a wonderful job.
  • I embrace change.
  • I am empathically protected.
  • I achieve my dreams.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

it always gets easier

Although I've still experienced some recent downs in my life, my belief in the Law of Attraction has not faltered whatsoever. The recent downs have stemmed from my attracting of them. I let down my guard when I first moved to Wisconsin, and started partying, stopped reciting daily affirmations and gratitudes, stopped practicing yoga and meditation, and then became slightly depressed. Well, isn't it clear? I attracted the subsequent consequences of loneliness, sorrow, lack of direction, hopelessness. And by further focusing on these negatives, I attracted more of the same. Just because I ascribe to the Law of Attraction does not mean that I do not fall prey to both of its poles! Having this most recent experience, although jarring, does help me to stay away from those behaviors that are not conducive to reuniting me with my highest self. It is a struggle to push yourself back up and fill yourself with hope, love, and faith, but as you wake up each morning, the struggle becomes less and less. At the beginning of this week even, I struggled. I cried, I felt alone, I was not excited for anything. But I persisted, and over the past few days, my struggle has become a lot less evident, and I feel much lighter.

Besides a return to my lifestyle of healing and love, here is what saved me over the past few days: the knowledge that each moment is perfect, and as it should be. That my angels will always protect me, that they are looking out for me. I'm so glad I discovered my angels (though they've always been there). And they are funny little guys - sometimes playing tricks on me - well, tricks in the form of "signs" pointing me in some direction that will benefit me. Ever since I developed a closeness with them, I have felt an overwhelming sensation of safety, protection. I used to go to sleep scared - a little paranoid, superstitious - and I even lived above a restaurant - alone - way back in the middle of a dark forest on old Native American Ho-Chunk tribe sacral grounds. But having my angels present - or rather - knowing of their presence, eliminated all of my previous fears. Now, I am alone quite often, and I never feel fear. I am so grateful for my angels. If you can, take the opportunity to get to know your angels, your guides, your God, or whomever/whatever you may ascribe to (the universe, nature, love, friendship). Just the knowledge that you are never alone - someone/something is always with you, watching over you - this can make all the difference.

And now for my affirmations. When I choose affirmations, I close my eyes, and recite the first thing that comes to mind. For me, whatever first comes to mind, is likely what I need to affirm most of all. So you'll notice that sometimes, I repeat the same affirmation, day in, day out. Trust the process.

Day 2
  • I am a successful Reiki Practitioner who attracts wonderful clients.
  • I am a lover and a healer.
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am beautiful, healthy, and whole.
  • I love being me.
  • I am prosperous. I attract wealth.
  • This moment is perfect, and as it should be.
  • I release all negativity - mine and others.
  • I have a wonderful job that I love.
  • I trust in the flow of life.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is one of the central tenets to my life. Having read the titled book, and other literature corresponding to the law, I declare myself a lifetime follower. Like attracts like, positivity attracts positivity, negativity attracts negativity. The importance, therefore, of affirming what it is you desire (multiple times), cannot be put into words. I am going to track my daily affirmations from here on out.

Day 1
  • I am happy, right here, right now.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I am whole.
  • I am peaceful.
  • I attract loving, spiritual people.
  • I am united with my highest self.
  • I am self-reliant.
  • I am a talented musician.
  • I see the beauty in everyone and in everything.
  • I love and approve of myself.
Said multiple times in a row, at varying points in the day, can really help increase the law! :) For example, I try to recite affirmations 20x/each, a few times each day.