Thursday, October 27, 2011

it always gets easier

Although I've still experienced some recent downs in my life, my belief in the Law of Attraction has not faltered whatsoever. The recent downs have stemmed from my attracting of them. I let down my guard when I first moved to Wisconsin, and started partying, stopped reciting daily affirmations and gratitudes, stopped practicing yoga and meditation, and then became slightly depressed. Well, isn't it clear? I attracted the subsequent consequences of loneliness, sorrow, lack of direction, hopelessness. And by further focusing on these negatives, I attracted more of the same. Just because I ascribe to the Law of Attraction does not mean that I do not fall prey to both of its poles! Having this most recent experience, although jarring, does help me to stay away from those behaviors that are not conducive to reuniting me with my highest self. It is a struggle to push yourself back up and fill yourself with hope, love, and faith, but as you wake up each morning, the struggle becomes less and less. At the beginning of this week even, I struggled. I cried, I felt alone, I was not excited for anything. But I persisted, and over the past few days, my struggle has become a lot less evident, and I feel much lighter.

Besides a return to my lifestyle of healing and love, here is what saved me over the past few days: the knowledge that each moment is perfect, and as it should be. That my angels will always protect me, that they are looking out for me. I'm so glad I discovered my angels (though they've always been there). And they are funny little guys - sometimes playing tricks on me - well, tricks in the form of "signs" pointing me in some direction that will benefit me. Ever since I developed a closeness with them, I have felt an overwhelming sensation of safety, protection. I used to go to sleep scared - a little paranoid, superstitious - and I even lived above a restaurant - alone - way back in the middle of a dark forest on old Native American Ho-Chunk tribe sacral grounds. But having my angels present - or rather - knowing of their presence, eliminated all of my previous fears. Now, I am alone quite often, and I never feel fear. I am so grateful for my angels. If you can, take the opportunity to get to know your angels, your guides, your God, or whomever/whatever you may ascribe to (the universe, nature, love, friendship). Just the knowledge that you are never alone - someone/something is always with you, watching over you - this can make all the difference.

And now for my affirmations. When I choose affirmations, I close my eyes, and recite the first thing that comes to mind. For me, whatever first comes to mind, is likely what I need to affirm most of all. So you'll notice that sometimes, I repeat the same affirmation, day in, day out. Trust the process.

Day 2
  • I am a successful Reiki Practitioner who attracts wonderful clients.
  • I am a lover and a healer.
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am beautiful, healthy, and whole.
  • I love being me.
  • I am prosperous. I attract wealth.
  • This moment is perfect, and as it should be.
  • I release all negativity - mine and others.
  • I have a wonderful job that I love.
  • I trust in the flow of life.

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