Friday, October 28, 2011

a proclamation of self

I am who I choose to be. I choose to be me. I full, wholeheartedly accept myself for who I am, and I love myself for who I am. Because of this, I respect myself. I am gentle on myself. I take care of myself. I nurture myself. I adore myself and treat myself well. I believe in myself. I am self-confident. I have high self-worth. I know who I am, and I embrace who I am. I love myself. I am me.

We should recite something like this into our mirrors each morning and each evening. A Proclamation of Self! It's so important to believe in yourself, to be who you are, to express who you are. Each of us is truly unique, each of us has so much to offer to the world, there is nobody like me, like you, like he, like she. "I love myself" is the hardest thing to say, oftentimes. One of my spiritual mentors, Louise Hay - author of many acclaimed books, including one of my all-time favorites "You Can Heal Your Life," has readers affirm to themselves each day in the mirror, "I love you, Jamie Nicole Prosser," several times over. Most people cannot take this seriously, she explains, due to low self-worth, feelings of inferiority, self-hatred, self-disgust. That is no kind of life to live! We've all been there...let us rise up against low self worth, and love ourselves fully! There is no one like you or me in the existence of the world - let us embrace this fact with all our might and love, love, love ourselves dearly.

Day 3
  • I am a talented songwriter musician who shares her talents by performing, often.
  • I am a successful Reiki practitioner who attracts many wonderful clients.
  • I am surrounded by loving people and loving circumstances.
  • I am me, and I love myself!
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am healthy, fit, and attractive.
  • I have a wonderful job.
  • I embrace change.
  • I am empathically protected.
  • I achieve my dreams.

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