Thursday, March 15, 2012

bodily love

The theme of today is self-love, particularly of the body. As we rapidly transition (at least, in the midwest!) from wintry weather to summer - many of us focus on our bodies. Evolutionarily speaking, bodies may pack on a few pounds during the winter months, because we need extra padding to keep warm! At least, this is how it works in the animal world, why shouldn't it also work this way for us!? :-) So, we join gyms, we diet, we scrutinize ourselves in our mirrors. But we're missing the point. It is high nigh time to LOVE ourselves, to LOVE our bodies, to APPRECIATE everything our bodies have given us. We should be so grateful for our beautiful, healthy bodies, and treat our bodies lovingly. Today, let us affirm to and about our bodies.

Day 29

  • I am beautiful.
  • I am healthy.
  • I am active.
  • I love my body.
  • I appreciate my body.
  • I fuel my body with living foods.
  • I treat my body with love and affection.
  • I am strong.
  • My body is powerful.
  • I am one with my body.

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