Monday, March 12, 2012


Everything that you are, everything that you see, everyone in your life - they are there, because you've attracted them, you've attracted your present situation, you've attracted your home, your job, your partner, your attitude, your everything. Affirm and be grateful, affirm and be grateful. Spread love and joy wherever you go. Be mindful and present. Nothing is unintentional. LOVE.

Day 28

  • I am so happy to be alive, living this lifetime, experiencing what I've chosen to experience, what I need to experience. I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am a beacon of light, I am love, I am peace, I am joy.
  • I am talented, I am confident, I am courageous, I am bold, I am wild.
  • I am grounded. I am stable. I am solid. I am like a tree.
  • I am one with everything and everyone. I see the beauty in everyone and everything.
  • I am committed to total health of body, soul/spirit, and mind. I am healthy, I am active.
  • I am wise. I am loving and loved. I believe in myself and in everyone around me.
  • I trust the universe fully. I trust my loving angels. I trust my intuition.
  • I am prosperous. I attract healthy, loving, positive situations and people into my life.
  • I love myself. I honor myself. I respect myself. I cherish myself.

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