Thursday, March 1, 2012

vision board

Again I stress, everything you see around you, everything that you are, every single circumstance of your life - you've created. You are the creator. You are the master of your own fate. Sure, karmic cycles can play into it, but the way that you respond to each situation and person in your life and the way you approach every situation and the way you monitor your thoughts affects your every waking reality. So, choose to be positive! Choose to experience positivity! Choose to create all that you desire! I say this as much for you as for me. Although I know these words to be gospel, it's difficult to continue to remember to implement them, day in, day out. It's easy to choose helplessness, to play the victim of the universe. But by doing so, nothing will happen! Stagnation will continue. Magic is only magic when you effect it. The law of attraction IS real, but does require positive action - at least positive action of thought! Have a great day everyone! Let's create our dreams. Make a vision board out of your refrigerator - post pictures, quotes, and words that define you, that you aspire you, etc. A physical law of attraction masterpiece.

Day 26

  • I am so happy to be full of life today, March 1st, the beginning of a new month with many opportunities just beckoning me!
  • I am confident, bold, courageous. I understand that no one is better than me, and I am better than no one. We are all the same, we are all one.
  • I am a master creator.
  • I am creative, talented, ambitious. I am a musician. I am a songwriter. I am a writer.
  • I am prosperous. I am fully supported by the universe. I have all that I need to survive and live a happy life.
  • I am surrounded by loving family and friends.
  • I am a child of the Universe - and I never forget to nurture my inner child.
  • I am energetic, revitalized, healthy, active. I love my raw foods lifestyle, and I practice yoga, meditation, and walking daily.
  • I am kind to everyone. I see the beauty in everyone and in everything. I avoid gossip and negative vibrations. I am a constantly evolving being.
  • I am happy - right here, right now, in this moment.

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