Tuesday, January 31, 2012

find your healing medium

I may sound like a broken record when I comment on the healing power of music. Lately I've rediscovered this joy, through an act of divine intervention. I no longer have my car, and so I've begun walking to and from work. It's made such a difference - inhaling fresh, clean, crisp air, getting some exercise, and listening to some good tunes on the way. I realize everyone has their own source(s) of healing - whether that be music, art, running, writing, giving, etc etc! My coworker Allyson is an artist - and everytime she visits a new city, she makes it a priority to visit the local art museum. She decorates our desk area with cardboard boxes that she's used to create unique, interesting sculpture-shapes (on the spot), and really sees an artistic quality in the most seemingly mundane of things. That is one of her healing sources. I'm positive we each have endless healing sources to yet discover, and that is the joy of life.

Day 23

  • I am beautiful. I love myself, and I approve of myself.
  • I am talented. I am courageous and self-confident. I know who I am.
  • I am living in the present moment. I see the beauty in each moment.
  • I see the beauty and joy in everyone and in everything. I understand that each person is perfect.
  • I fully trust in the universe and in my angels. I surrender to the forces that be.
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I give love to everyone. I receive love from everyone. I attract love into my life.
  • I am prosperous. I have everything that I need. I am well-provided for.
  • I am surrounded by loving family and friends, for whom I am most grateful.
  • I am fearless. I am bold. I am courageous. I am confident. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

i don't let anyone or anything bring me down!

....and I hope you don't, either! Of course, this is incredibly easier said than done...but then again, it starts with affirming it, with saying it! Know who you are, and that you are beautiful and can truly do and be everything and anything that you desire! Always keep your thoughts positive, energized, and true to your highest self. And remember, every moment is perfect and every experience in your life, good or bad, is an opportunity for your soul to grow.

Day 22

  • I am beautiful, prosperous, wealthy, happy, content, joyous, peaceful.
  • I am fully accepting and loving of who I am.
  • I have much to offer to the world and to myself.
  • I attract love and abundance.
  • I am talented, self-confident, and courageous.
  • I am worthy.
  • I am peaceful, centered, and fearless.
  • I am love and light, and I give love and light to all.
  • I am trusting of my angels and the universe.
  • I honor myself and all others.

Monday, January 9, 2012

the right spirit to begin the new week

Day 21
  • I am free and able to do with my life as I choose. I am the captain of my soul, the master of my destiny. I control my fate. I live my life openly, lovingly, and I follow my intuition.
  • I am so happy, wherever I am, in each moment. I am happy - right here, right now. I remember each day that I am responsible for my own happiness, at all times.
  • I am self-confident. I am courageous. I am creative. I believe in myself. I am strong. I am fearless. I am open. I am open-minded. I am talented. I am capable.
  • I am an endless reservoir of energy. I protect and preserve my energy. I am empathically protected. I treat myself - body, mind, and soul - very well.
  • I love myself. I honor myself. I approve of myself. I respect myself. I cherish myself. I value myself. I take care of myself. I treat myself well. I am gentle on myself.
  • I am a loving being. I give love to all, and I receive love from all. I enjoy myself in every moment. I am compassionate. I am understanding. I understand that we all are one.
  • I am ambitious. I live out my dreams. I know that I can do anything - it is written in the law of attraction. I follow my desires. I respond to my intuition, to my guidance.
  • I listen to my angels. I hear my angels. I understand my angels. I am open to my angels. I see the signs from the Universe all around me. I am always aware of these signs.
  • I am love. I am light. I am energy. I am everything and everyone. I am open to change, to being. I am open to whatever comes. I am free. I am fully immersed in each day, in each life.
  • I am committed to my lifestyle of raw foods, yoga, meditation, Reiki, writing, reading, gratitudes, affirmation, breathing, loving, generosity. I am grateful for all that is.

Friday, January 6, 2012

My Magic List, manifested

Inspired by healer Mona Wind and her unique take on New Year's resolutions, I created a "Magic List." Now it is only appropriate to take this list and translate it into affirmations, to allow each list item to manifest. I surrender my Magic List to the Universe, and I allow the great Magic to happen.
Day 20
  • I am a talented singer.
  • I am a talented songwriter.
  • I am a talented performer.
  • I play guitar beautifully.
  • I play piano beautifully.
  • I am engaged in a really fun, fulfilling musical project.
  • I am a salsa-dancing aficionado.
  • I am a committed yogi.
  • I meditate daily. I allow myself much me-time.
  • I dance, dance, dance!
  • I listen to music daily and enjoy all of its benefits.
  • I am a successful Reiki practitioner with a lucrative and effective healing business.
  • I am prosperous. I attract wealth. I am fully supported by the Universe.
  • I travel to South America, following my heart's desire.
  • I bike-ride often, throughout the year. I love the way it makes me feel.
  • I play soccer. I am not scared to try, try again! :)
  • I play on a volleyball league. It is such fun!
  • I am generous with my time, to and with others.
  • I enjoy the simple things in life. I love and fully live each moment.
  • I live in each moment, each second, each day.
  • I belong to a wonderful, supportive spiritual community of friends.
  • I am committed to and greatly believe in my raw foods lifestyle. I see the positive changes.
  • I am grateful for my ample opportunities to swim and relax near a beautiful beach.
  • I read often.
  • I write often.
  • I work with women and children, to inspire and uplift.
  • I love everyone and everything.
  • I love myself.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Today, I am happy. I am remembering again the power I have over my happiness, over my peace. I am remembering again the joy in living in the moment, in being fully present. Why is this so difficult for most of us? We are so used to the go-go-go mentality, the "in the future I will do this, be this, earn this" mentality. I still struggle with this mentality, and its escape, every single day. But today, I remember. I remember that there is only this moment. I remember that dwelling in the past or dwelling in the future does me no good - those moments do not exist. Only this moment exists. Today, I recognize this. And I pat myself on the back for this small step. Remember to always give yourself credit for the small things. Always be gentle on yourself. You are living this moment as you are supposed to, you are in the perfect situation for you, everything happens for a reason, as they say, do not fight the Universe. The Universe fully supports you, always will, and has for lifetimes. Oh, and you are a beautiful being, united with all.

Day 19
  • I am so happy, right here. Right now.
  • I am peaceful. I am a beacon of peace. I have great inner peace.
  • I am love. I express love to everyone and everything. I love myself.
  • I am confident. I am courageous. I believe in myself.
  • I am trusting of the Universe. I surrender to the Universe.
  • I am grateful for everything and everyone. I am grateful for this moment.
  • I am fully immersed in the present moment. I am living in the now.
  • I am talented. I am beautiful. I am free. 
  • I am worthy. I am deserving. I am prosperous.
  • I am alive. I am energetic. I am enthusiastic.