Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Affirm a new job!

I'm back in the job pool, again, as are many people in this country! It's so easy to become discouraged, and to therefore deflect any prospects. Discouragement is negative, and negative attracts negative. A focus on lack attracts more of that lack. That's why you should never say "I want" / "I desire" - KNOW what you want and desire, but affirm as though you already have these things, as if they are already are your reality. "I want a job" becomes "I have an amazing job," or the like.

I found a solid blog for career-related affirmations, to help us all expedite this process, and continue spreading the positivity - which is necessary! It's tough to remain in that mindset when you are experiencing the lack, but it is the only way to obtain that new dream job! Yesterday I had an exciting third interview with a company I'd really like to work for, and after leaving this interview, I was on cloud nine. These extremely happy feelings expedited the whole law-of-attraction process during the interview: when I left, I had two phone calls from other companies requesting interviews. The process doesn't lie! Therefore, let's hit it, job affirmations!

Day 9

  • An exciting new career is on its way to me. I trust that my angels are guiding me to my perfect job.
  • Every career move I make turns out to be even more positive than the last.
  • I am a career magnet - I am attracting excellent job prospects all the time.
  • I am being paid very well to do an exciting and rewarding job.
  • I am completely open to receiving new career opportunities.
  • I am now attracting the perfect career for my talents.
  • I am so happy and grateful for the new career opportunity I have found.
  • I am a perfect person for this new job.
  • I am well-paid and have a rewarding job.
  • I DESERVE to find the perfect career.
  • I have found my dream job.
  • I have many job options from which to choose.
  • Lots of job offers are coming my way every day.
  • My ideal employment is coming to me right now.
  • My new chosen career offers great freedom and reward.
  • The universe is leading me to my perfect job.

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