Friday, November 18, 2011

turn anxiety into excitement!

When experiencing doubt, fear, anxiety, discouragement, or any other negatively-based emotion, make it a point to immediately zap any inkling of the aforementioned in the bud (is that what they say? haha). For example, last night I started worrying about my job situation, which I immediately remembered to function as a negative catalyst to adding more negativity to the situation, thereby increasing my lack of job. So, rather than further wallowing, I turned my anxiety into excitement. I started visualizing myself receiving the news of obtaining my new perfect job - because I deserve it - and I started getting butterflies - the ones of eager anticipation, and it feels like this news is really coming! I then visualized my ideal day - waking up early, doing yoga, meditation, the elliptical, reciting affirmations and gratitudes, showering, making a delicious raw breakfast smoothie, preparing my raw lunch and snacks, riding my bike to work (the office is right down the street!), working independently the whole day through, enjoying the people that I work with, coming home, either going to band rehearsal or going through my piano and guitar lessons or songwriting, working on my Reiki practice, blog-writing, making a delicious dinner, catching up with one of my amazing friends, constantly engaged with this lifetime, totally immersed in each present moment. The feelings of utter excitement stirred within my all night, after consciously making this change, which deterred immediate sleep, but carried with me into the morning. Going to bed happy and excited = waking up happy and excited. Duly noted.

Day 11

  • I am happy - right here, right now. I am immersed in the present moment. I release all negativity, all binds from the past. I surround myself with gold, and blue healing light. I am fully present in my body. My body, mind, and spirit are totally united. I am grounded.
  • I am nourishing my body with this new diet lifestyle change. I am sticking to my goals. I am experiencing these amazing physical, mental, and spiritual changes. I am taking care of myself. I am healthy. I am active. I am fit. I feel really good.
  • I love myself. I approve of myself. I accept myself. I value myself. I take care of myself. I am gentle on myself. I nourish myself. I cherish myself. I express gratitude toward myself. I have high self-worth. I respect myself. I am love.
  • I deserve my amazing new career. I love my job. I attract the best job for me. I send my angels out into the universe to do my bidding. :) I am open to a new, bountiful career. I am excited to receive the job offer.
  • I am surrounded by loving, compassionate, understanding people. I have an amazing family and amazing friends. I am grateful for these people. I see the beauty in everyone and in everything. I recognize that we are all one.
  • I practice yoga, meditation, and Reiki daily. I see the benefits to maintaining my daily practice. My body feels good, my mind feels good, and soul feels nurtured. I am a certified Reiki Master, and I open an at-home Reiki practice. I become certified in Yoga, raw food nutrition, and intuitive counseling, to build upon my practice. I am open to receiving these gifts now.
  • I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for every person I have encountered, every person with whom I have developed a relationship. I am grateful for each adventure, each journey. I am grateful to be fully living my own spiritual path. I am grateful for each perfect moment.
  • I am a talented musician. I play piano beautifully. I play guitar beautifully.  I sing beautifully. I songwrite beautifully. I perform often and live my joy. I am creative, open to all creative energy, and I am fully open. I open myself up to the creative collaboration with other spirits. I release all fear and tension. I am open, loving, and creative.
  • I embrace life. I embrace change. I embrace newness. I embrace adventure. I embrace every moment, with the knowledge that it is perfect. I live here in the now. I acknowledge my past, and appreciate it, sending love and light to those I think of, and then I let it go. I acknowledge my future, and appreciate it, sending love and light to my future situations, and then I let it go. I am here, now. I am so happy, living fully in the now!
  • I let my light shine to all! I am happy to be myself, I love myself, and I express who I am fully. I do not hold back, and I do not pay heed to perception - because if I do not, then perception need not exist. I am balanced, grounded, energetically charged and healthy, and I share my unique spirit with the world.

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