Monday, November 21, 2011

happiness is your choice!

I choose to be happy. I choose to be peaceful. I choose to come from a place of love. Each and every day, I wake up and aim to make this choice again. On days that I falter, I recognize that I am responsible for how I feel at all times - and I can make the choice to turn something seemingly negative into a positive. I recognize the importance of taking time each day to affirm who I know myself to be. I try to express gratitude and recite affirmations in the morning right upon waking - and I've begun to reserve gratitude while driving, and affirmations while showering. Committing to writing in these blogs has also helped me stick to this routine and looking back on old posts, reminding myself of the benefits. Finding a routine that you ascribe to daily, and implementing gratitudes and affirmations in this way, makes daily practice much more feasible. Whatever place you can find that allows you to tune into yourself - alone - walking to the subway, getting ready in the morning, meditating before you go to sleep, walking the dog, riding your bike - find something that works for you, some place where you can just be you to appreciate yourself and acknowledge yourself.

Day 12

  • I am so happy! I love my life! I love my family, my friends, my jobs, my band, my lifestyle, my present situation! I am happy - right here, right now, in this very moment. I am living in the now, happily.
  • I am creative. I am open to sharing my creativity with others, and I express myself freely. I release all negativity holding me back from my creative self. I am light and love and therefore a creative being, as we all are.
  • I am peaceful. I come from a place of love and peace when approaching all situations and all people. I commit myself to a peaceful, loving, joyous existence.
  • I am self-confident. I believe in myself. I am ambitious, and I know what I want. I am courageous. I am bold. I am open. I am confident.
  • I am intuitive. I am open to the signs of the universe. I listen to my angels, my guides, my catalysts. I am united body, soul, and mind.
  • I am grateful. I see the beauty in everyone and in everything, and the joy in every situation. I am grateful for all of it.
  • I am united to my highest self. I am true to who I am. I express who I am, fully. I respect and honor each person's truth, and I respect and honor my own truth.
  • I love myself. I honor myself. I approve of myself. I have high self-worth. I respect myself.
  • I am love. I am light. I am one with everything and everyone!
  • I  am excited for each day. I love enjoying life. I embrace change - I embrace adventure - I wake up each day happy to be alive and happy to express my truth and share in the truth of others.

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