Saturday, November 12, 2011

joy, joy, joy - spread it!

I am so excited today! Enthusiastic to be alive! Feeling life surge through my veins! Loving everyone. It's so simple, too! Appreciate everything, smile at everyone, be grateful for WHO YOU ARE, love WHO YOU ARE, be WHO YOU ARE fully and unconditionally. The world needs you, exactly as you are. Assembled together as one we all comprise a perfect puzzle - that is only made perfect if you are true to your highest self and follow your truest path and be exactly who you are and love exactly who you are. We all need to love each other - and this begins by LOVING OURSELVES, which is often the hardest place to start.

Day 7
  • I love myself. I approve of myself. I am gentle on myself. I respect myself. I take care of myself. I appreciate myself. I care for myself. I accept myself. I cherish myself. I am myself. I love myself.
  • I am so happy, right here, right now. I am filled with love and light and joy. I am peace. I am love. I am joy. I am tranquility. I am sincerity. I am beautiful. I am energetic. I am one with you all.
  • I am true to my highest self. I listen to my intuition. I I appreciate my angels. I follow my own path. I am living my desires. I am united with my highest self. I am one body, mind, and soul.
  • I am self-confident. I am courageous. I am bold. I am lively. I am ecstatic. I am joyous. I have great self-worth. I have high self-esteem. I see who I am. I know who I am. I am successful as me.
  • I am talented. I share my light with the world. I am creative. I am expressive. I am not fearful. I embrace newness, change, and opportunity. I love collaborating with others. I am a musician. 
  • I am a healer. I have good intentions. I share in the oneness with others. I have a successful healing business at-home. My career and personal life are united. I am peaceful. I am peace.
  • I am love. I see the beauty in everyone and everything. I see the love in everyone and everything. I am surrounded by loving beings, loving spirits. I am connected to everyone around me. I am love.
  • I am grateful. I have so much to be thankful for, so much to live for, so much to have excitement over. I am especially grateful for my wonderful angels, guiding me along in life, protecting me.
  • I am peaceful. I practice yoga and meditation daily. Yoga and meditation are huge components to my life. I am walking, living peace. I share my peace, my light with others. I am a healer. 
  • I believe in myself. I share my light with others. I know I can do whatever I put my mind to. I follow the law of attraction. I am positive. I am optimistic. I am confident. I am courageous.

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