Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Spiritual Mentors

I found this old Huffington Post article today regarding the Power of Affirmations. The author's story is like so many others - and is so inspiring! She had an incredible healer to assist her on her path to total wellness - and if you have the means, this can help jump-start you on that healing journey. I am lucky (and very grateful) to have been introduced to two amazing spiritual intuitive mentors in Chicago - first Janet Wright, and later Delphina Aldama. Both women have inspired me and helped to open up my heart. My friend Kim and I stumbled upon Janet quite synchronistically - we had always been enamored by the metaphysical, and were searching for a Chicago-land intuitive/psychic to do a reading for us. Google brought us to Janet, and we were able to secure a "couples" reading for the next week! And it was life-changing - this reading, and subsequent readings, have really impacted us. Janet possess wonderful energy, and is very sincere, accurate, and wants to help you. What's more is that Janet offers to record your session and send it to you, which is really helpful to listen to on your own time. You can read testimonials here.

Later, my friend Brooke generously gifted me a session with Delphina, another amazing spirit with whom I connected immediately. You leave her sessions feeling completely uplifted, lighter, and bristling with spirit. She is a ray of light and love, and a great gift to the healing world (and world at large!) Again, let the testimonials speak for themselves!!

Thus, today my gratitudes honor Delphina, Janet, and others whom have inspired me on my path. And the theme of today's affirmations: an acknowledgement of being on the right path, the path of love.

Day 10
  • I am self-confident. I am courageous. I am bold. I ask for what I want. I deserve what I want.
  • I am on a beautiful path. Everything that happens, every situation that I find myself in - is perfect. Every meeting that I have is intentional. Everything happens as it should, and helps to contribute to my highest good.
  • I deserve my ideal career. My perfect career is on its way to me presently. 
  • I trust my intuition. I trust in the flow of life. I trust my angels. I trust in this moment, and all moments. I know that every moment is perfect.
  • I believe in myself. I love myself. I approve of myself. I respect myself. I care for myself. I am gentle on myself.
  • I applaud myself for the little things. I am happy for this moment. This moment is leading me closer to reuniting with my highest self. I am united to my highest self. I am love.
  • I am happy - right here, right now. I am fully immersed in the present moment. I am free of negativity, free of fear. I am light. I am love.
  • I am healthy, I am active, I am fit, I am beautiful.
  • I attract positive things in my life - amazing people, amazing jobs, amazing scenarios, amazing living situations, amazing opportunities. I am a beacon of light, and I attract light.
  • I understand that we are all one. I am loving. I am kind. I am compassionate. I do not judge my neighbor. I approach every situation and every person with lovingkindness.

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