Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We are all one

Especially when you have a boss, a teacher, or some sort of societal superior who pays you / grades you / critiques you, it becomes challenging to remember that we are all one, that we are all the same, that we are all doing the best that we can, that we are each on our own simultaneous, unique paths - while remaining as one. We are all one! Remember this, whenever you let yourself feel lesser or better than anybody else, you are not. When I feel intimidated or nervous or inferior to, say, a boss, or someone who has authority over me in the physical world, I have begun repeating that mantra. It really helps, not only with lessening those feelings of inferiority and needless anxiety, but also just to calm down, to remember who you are, to come back into your body. It's really important to remember, in all situations, in all walks of life: you are one with everyone and everything around you.

Day 18

  • I am true to myself. I honor myself. I respect myself. I cherish myself. I approve of myself.
  • I recognize that I am one to everyone and everything. Therefore, I see the beauty in everyone and everything.
  • I am beautiful. I am healthy. I treat my body, soul, and mind with the utmost love and respect.
  • I let go of fear. I surrender my ego. I am love and I am light.
  • I am happy, now. I am immersed in the present moment. I live fully and consciously with each breath.
  • I am strong. I am self-confident. I am talented. I trust myself.
  • I trust in the flow of life. I recognize that everything happens intentionally, and contributes to my greatest good.
  • I am so grateful for my prosperity, for my well-supported life, for allowing the wealth of the universe to flow through my veins.
  • I am energetic. I am a current of energy. I protect my energy. I am balanced. I am empathically protected.
  • I understand that we are all one. We are all equal. I am love, you are love, he is love, she is love.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I am, not I do

Oftentimes in this society we are dictated by the words "I do." I do this job, I do this career, I do this degree, I do these things. Look at what I've done, see my accomplishments. I am not above this - I've time and time again fallen into the same egoic hole. If there's any human "curse," surely it is that!

Lately I am privy to the difference between "I do" and "I am." It's not what you "do" for a living and the trophies you've won that necessarily matters. What matters is following your bliss, being true to who you are, practicing acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm (in the wise words of Eckhart Tolle). If you practice acceptance, enjoyment, and enthusiasm in this truth to yourself, what you do - your outer purpose - will also fall into place.

Day 17

  • I am intuitive. I am wise. I am strong. I am true to myself.
  • I am love. I am peace. I am beauty. I am one - with you, with all.
  • I am fully immersed in the present moment. I am living entirely in the now.
  • I am beautiful. I am fit. I am active. I feel good and I treat myself well.
  • I am happy - right here, right now. I bring my own sunshine, wherever I go.
  • I am appreciative of myself. I am gentle on myself. I love myself. I cherish myself. I honor myself.
  • I am talented. I am confident. I am courageous. I am bold. I am lively.
  • I am secure. I am stable. I am grounded. I am pure. I am peaceful. 
  • I release all my worries, all negativity. I surrender. I trust in the flow of life.
  • I am comfortable in my own skin. I love myself and am one with God, and foster healthy relationships.

Friday, December 23, 2011

healing gold and blue

It's easy to lose yourself in your job, in a relationship, in a situation, especially if you do not have firm boundaries. In Chicago, a friend taught me to visualize yourself surrounded by gold, and to circulate blue (generally a healing color) throughout your body, whenever you feel your boundaries falter. For some, you may need to do this a few times a day. Take a few minutes to yourself, visualize a gold shield around you, empathically protecting you. Cleanse and balance your chakras with the blue healing light that you circulate from your crown chakra through the bottoms of your feet - and emerge feeling renewed. Intend it - and it will be. Remember that you are love, we all are love, and we all are one.

Day 16

  • I am whole. I am complete. 
  • I am immersed in the NOW. This moment is my purpose.
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am beautiful. I see myself clearly.
  • I am worthy. I am intelligent. I am magnetic.
  • I am loving. I am love. I give and receive love freely.
  • I am energetically balanced. I am energetically cleansed.
  • I take care of myself. I am gentle on myself. I love myself and approve of myself.
  • I am good to my body, my mind, and my soul. I nurture my spirit.
  • I am freely me.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Energetic balance

Upon starting my new job, it took me about a week to assimilate and allow my professional and personal lives to integrate into a joint energetic life, if that makes sense. Today I am re-introducing into my schedule the practices that have so benefitted my life as of late, and I couldn't be more excited and filled with joy. I woke up this morning so humbled, blessed, and filled with gratitude for the amazing people in my life, for the wonderful opportunities I've been afforded, and for a remembrance that every one of us is of the same fibre - every one of us is a part of this oneness. I love that feeling, that remembrance. It's really the most beautiful thought.

Day 15

  • I love myself. I approve of myself. I accept myself. I cherish myself. I honor myself.
  • I am happy - right here, right now. I am fully immersed in the present.
  • I am full of love, peace, and joy. I share this love, peace, and joy with everyone.
  • I am grateful for everyone and everything.
  • I see the beauty in everyone and in everything - I understand the oneness that encompasses all.
  • I am self-confident. I am bold. I am lively. I am courageous. I am self-aware. 
  • I am talented. I am intelligent. I am ambitious. I am passionate. I am hard-working.
  • I show love to myself and others. I am so happy to be alive - I am so happy for this day.
  • I enjoy each breath, each moment, each smile. I live gently, I live fully.
  • I am unique. I am beautiful. I am grateful. I am peaceful. I am empathically protected.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I am

Day 14
  • I am beautiful. I am healthy. I am active. I am fit. I am energized. 
  • I am confident. I am worthy. I am bold. I am courageous. I am ambitious.
  • I am creative. I am open. I am balanced. I am revitalized. I am one with flow.
  • I am talented. I am a musician. I am a writer. I am a performer. I am inspired.
  • I am peaceful. I am calm. I am composed. I am free. I am serenity.
  • I am happy. I am present. I am joy. I am energy. I am life.
  • I am a healer. I am a Reiki Master. I am a Yogi. I meditate. I inspire.
  • I am grateful. I have so much love. I am blessed. I see the beauty in everyone. I am love.
  • I am energetic. I am adventurous. I am spontaneous. I trust in life. I trust my intuition.
  • I am united to my highest self. I respond to my angels. I am balanced. I am whole. I am me.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


In light of my new goal of opening myself up creatively with other people, and believing in myself and my creative talents, this entry is dedicated to affirming creativity. My inspiration stems from this blog entry, and also from a new couple of cool jam friends in Madison.

Day 13
  • An endless reservoir of creativity lies within me.
  • Being creative makes me feel so alive.
  • Creative energy flows through me at all times.
  • Divine inspiration blesses every day of my life.
  • I allow my creative energy to flow freely at all times.
  • I am an unlimited creative being.
  • I am confident and skilled in my creative work.
  • I am creatively expressing my highest potential.
  • I am easily able to come up with fresh, new ideas.
  • I am immensely grateful for my creative abilities.
  • I am one with the creative flow of life.
  • I express my unique creativity in all that I do.
  • I have abundant creative talent.
  • My creativity always leads me to a better understanding of myself.
  • The creativity of the universe expresses itself through me.
  • With every breath I take, I am bringing greater and greater creativity into my life.

Monday, November 21, 2011

happiness is your choice!

I choose to be happy. I choose to be peaceful. I choose to come from a place of love. Each and every day, I wake up and aim to make this choice again. On days that I falter, I recognize that I am responsible for how I feel at all times - and I can make the choice to turn something seemingly negative into a positive. I recognize the importance of taking time each day to affirm who I know myself to be. I try to express gratitude and recite affirmations in the morning right upon waking - and I've begun to reserve gratitude while driving, and affirmations while showering. Committing to writing in these blogs has also helped me stick to this routine and looking back on old posts, reminding myself of the benefits. Finding a routine that you ascribe to daily, and implementing gratitudes and affirmations in this way, makes daily practice much more feasible. Whatever place you can find that allows you to tune into yourself - alone - walking to the subway, getting ready in the morning, meditating before you go to sleep, walking the dog, riding your bike - find something that works for you, some place where you can just be you to appreciate yourself and acknowledge yourself.

Day 12

  • I am so happy! I love my life! I love my family, my friends, my jobs, my band, my lifestyle, my present situation! I am happy - right here, right now, in this very moment. I am living in the now, happily.
  • I am creative. I am open to sharing my creativity with others, and I express myself freely. I release all negativity holding me back from my creative self. I am light and love and therefore a creative being, as we all are.
  • I am peaceful. I come from a place of love and peace when approaching all situations and all people. I commit myself to a peaceful, loving, joyous existence.
  • I am self-confident. I believe in myself. I am ambitious, and I know what I want. I am courageous. I am bold. I am open. I am confident.
  • I am intuitive. I am open to the signs of the universe. I listen to my angels, my guides, my catalysts. I am united body, soul, and mind.
  • I am grateful. I see the beauty in everyone and in everything, and the joy in every situation. I am grateful for all of it.
  • I am united to my highest self. I am true to who I am. I express who I am, fully. I respect and honor each person's truth, and I respect and honor my own truth.
  • I love myself. I honor myself. I approve of myself. I have high self-worth. I respect myself.
  • I am love. I am light. I am one with everything and everyone!
  • I  am excited for each day. I love enjoying life. I embrace change - I embrace adventure - I wake up each day happy to be alive and happy to express my truth and share in the truth of others.

Friday, November 18, 2011

turn anxiety into excitement!

When experiencing doubt, fear, anxiety, discouragement, or any other negatively-based emotion, make it a point to immediately zap any inkling of the aforementioned in the bud (is that what they say? haha). For example, last night I started worrying about my job situation, which I immediately remembered to function as a negative catalyst to adding more negativity to the situation, thereby increasing my lack of job. So, rather than further wallowing, I turned my anxiety into excitement. I started visualizing myself receiving the news of obtaining my new perfect job - because I deserve it - and I started getting butterflies - the ones of eager anticipation, and it feels like this news is really coming! I then visualized my ideal day - waking up early, doing yoga, meditation, the elliptical, reciting affirmations and gratitudes, showering, making a delicious raw breakfast smoothie, preparing my raw lunch and snacks, riding my bike to work (the office is right down the street!), working independently the whole day through, enjoying the people that I work with, coming home, either going to band rehearsal or going through my piano and guitar lessons or songwriting, working on my Reiki practice, blog-writing, making a delicious dinner, catching up with one of my amazing friends, constantly engaged with this lifetime, totally immersed in each present moment. The feelings of utter excitement stirred within my all night, after consciously making this change, which deterred immediate sleep, but carried with me into the morning. Going to bed happy and excited = waking up happy and excited. Duly noted.

Day 11

  • I am happy - right here, right now. I am immersed in the present moment. I release all negativity, all binds from the past. I surround myself with gold, and blue healing light. I am fully present in my body. My body, mind, and spirit are totally united. I am grounded.
  • I am nourishing my body with this new diet lifestyle change. I am sticking to my goals. I am experiencing these amazing physical, mental, and spiritual changes. I am taking care of myself. I am healthy. I am active. I am fit. I feel really good.
  • I love myself. I approve of myself. I accept myself. I value myself. I take care of myself. I am gentle on myself. I nourish myself. I cherish myself. I express gratitude toward myself. I have high self-worth. I respect myself. I am love.
  • I deserve my amazing new career. I love my job. I attract the best job for me. I send my angels out into the universe to do my bidding. :) I am open to a new, bountiful career. I am excited to receive the job offer.
  • I am surrounded by loving, compassionate, understanding people. I have an amazing family and amazing friends. I am grateful for these people. I see the beauty in everyone and in everything. I recognize that we are all one.
  • I practice yoga, meditation, and Reiki daily. I see the benefits to maintaining my daily practice. My body feels good, my mind feels good, and soul feels nurtured. I am a certified Reiki Master, and I open an at-home Reiki practice. I become certified in Yoga, raw food nutrition, and intuitive counseling, to build upon my practice. I am open to receiving these gifts now.
  • I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for every person I have encountered, every person with whom I have developed a relationship. I am grateful for each adventure, each journey. I am grateful to be fully living my own spiritual path. I am grateful for each perfect moment.
  • I am a talented musician. I play piano beautifully. I play guitar beautifully.  I sing beautifully. I songwrite beautifully. I perform often and live my joy. I am creative, open to all creative energy, and I am fully open. I open myself up to the creative collaboration with other spirits. I release all fear and tension. I am open, loving, and creative.
  • I embrace life. I embrace change. I embrace newness. I embrace adventure. I embrace every moment, with the knowledge that it is perfect. I live here in the now. I acknowledge my past, and appreciate it, sending love and light to those I think of, and then I let it go. I acknowledge my future, and appreciate it, sending love and light to my future situations, and then I let it go. I am here, now. I am so happy, living fully in the now!
  • I let my light shine to all! I am happy to be myself, I love myself, and I express who I am fully. I do not hold back, and I do not pay heed to perception - because if I do not, then perception need not exist. I am balanced, grounded, energetically charged and healthy, and I share my unique spirit with the world.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Spiritual Mentors

I found this old Huffington Post article today regarding the Power of Affirmations. The author's story is like so many others - and is so inspiring! She had an incredible healer to assist her on her path to total wellness - and if you have the means, this can help jump-start you on that healing journey. I am lucky (and very grateful) to have been introduced to two amazing spiritual intuitive mentors in Chicago - first Janet Wright, and later Delphina Aldama. Both women have inspired me and helped to open up my heart. My friend Kim and I stumbled upon Janet quite synchronistically - we had always been enamored by the metaphysical, and were searching for a Chicago-land intuitive/psychic to do a reading for us. Google brought us to Janet, and we were able to secure a "couples" reading for the next week! And it was life-changing - this reading, and subsequent readings, have really impacted us. Janet possess wonderful energy, and is very sincere, accurate, and wants to help you. What's more is that Janet offers to record your session and send it to you, which is really helpful to listen to on your own time. You can read testimonials here.

Later, my friend Brooke generously gifted me a session with Delphina, another amazing spirit with whom I connected immediately. You leave her sessions feeling completely uplifted, lighter, and bristling with spirit. She is a ray of light and love, and a great gift to the healing world (and world at large!) Again, let the testimonials speak for themselves!!

Thus, today my gratitudes honor Delphina, Janet, and others whom have inspired me on my path. And the theme of today's affirmations: an acknowledgement of being on the right path, the path of love.

Day 10
  • I am self-confident. I am courageous. I am bold. I ask for what I want. I deserve what I want.
  • I am on a beautiful path. Everything that happens, every situation that I find myself in - is perfect. Every meeting that I have is intentional. Everything happens as it should, and helps to contribute to my highest good.
  • I deserve my ideal career. My perfect career is on its way to me presently. 
  • I trust my intuition. I trust in the flow of life. I trust my angels. I trust in this moment, and all moments. I know that every moment is perfect.
  • I believe in myself. I love myself. I approve of myself. I respect myself. I care for myself. I am gentle on myself.
  • I applaud myself for the little things. I am happy for this moment. This moment is leading me closer to reuniting with my highest self. I am united to my highest self. I am love.
  • I am happy - right here, right now. I am fully immersed in the present moment. I am free of negativity, free of fear. I am light. I am love.
  • I am healthy, I am active, I am fit, I am beautiful.
  • I attract positive things in my life - amazing people, amazing jobs, amazing scenarios, amazing living situations, amazing opportunities. I am a beacon of light, and I attract light.
  • I understand that we are all one. I am loving. I am kind. I am compassionate. I do not judge my neighbor. I approach every situation and every person with lovingkindness.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Affirm a new job!

I'm back in the job pool, again, as are many people in this country! It's so easy to become discouraged, and to therefore deflect any prospects. Discouragement is negative, and negative attracts negative. A focus on lack attracts more of that lack. That's why you should never say "I want" / "I desire" - KNOW what you want and desire, but affirm as though you already have these things, as if they are already are your reality. "I want a job" becomes "I have an amazing job," or the like.

I found a solid blog for career-related affirmations, to help us all expedite this process, and continue spreading the positivity - which is necessary! It's tough to remain in that mindset when you are experiencing the lack, but it is the only way to obtain that new dream job! Yesterday I had an exciting third interview with a company I'd really like to work for, and after leaving this interview, I was on cloud nine. These extremely happy feelings expedited the whole law-of-attraction process during the interview: when I left, I had two phone calls from other companies requesting interviews. The process doesn't lie! Therefore, let's hit it, job affirmations!

Day 9

  • An exciting new career is on its way to me. I trust that my angels are guiding me to my perfect job.
  • Every career move I make turns out to be even more positive than the last.
  • I am a career magnet - I am attracting excellent job prospects all the time.
  • I am being paid very well to do an exciting and rewarding job.
  • I am completely open to receiving new career opportunities.
  • I am now attracting the perfect career for my talents.
  • I am so happy and grateful for the new career opportunity I have found.
  • I am a perfect person for this new job.
  • I am well-paid and have a rewarding job.
  • I DESERVE to find the perfect career.
  • I have found my dream job.
  • I have many job options from which to choose.
  • Lots of job offers are coming my way every day.
  • My ideal employment is coming to me right now.
  • My new chosen career offers great freedom and reward.
  • The universe is leading me to my perfect job.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul

Louise Hay, one of my favorite authors (read: You Can Heal Your Life!!) and spiritual mentors, has this awesome site of daily affirmations. It is updated daily, and super uplifting. Today's affirmation is:  I feel at one with all of life.

I also have newly discovered self-help author and lecturer Dr. Wayne Dyer's affirmations site. Today's affirmation reads:  MY DESTINY IS MINE TO CONTROL. When you acquire enough inner peace and feel really positive about yourself, it's almost impossible for you to be controlled and manipulated by anybody else.

So today, in honor of the amazing Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer (who has that famous quote: "When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself" - beautiful) - my affirmations will center around oneness and self-actualization.

Day 8
  • I am one with everyone and with everything. I see the beauty in everyone and in everything. I am love. I am peace. I am joy.
  • I am surrounded by loving, happy, positive people. I spread love and joy to those around me.
  • I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul. (William Ernest Henley)
  • I love myself. I love my neighbor. I appreciate myself. I appreciate my neighbor. I look all around me and realize the oneness that is everything.
  • I manifest my dreams and desires. I follow my truest path.
  • I believe in myself. I have great self-confidence. I understand my worth and the worth of all others.
  • I do not judge. I am no better than my neighbor. We are all one. We are all love. I am love.
  • I am talented, I am creative, I let my light shine.
  • In letting my light shine, I encourage others to do the same. 
  • I am everything that I desire. I am love. I am light. I am peace. I am joy. I am solitude. I am friendship. I am family. I am talented. I am confident. I am ambitious. I am self-knowing. I believe in myself and I believe in you.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

joy, joy, joy - spread it!

I am so excited today! Enthusiastic to be alive! Feeling life surge through my veins! Loving everyone. It's so simple, too! Appreciate everything, smile at everyone, be grateful for WHO YOU ARE, love WHO YOU ARE, be WHO YOU ARE fully and unconditionally. The world needs you, exactly as you are. Assembled together as one we all comprise a perfect puzzle - that is only made perfect if you are true to your highest self and follow your truest path and be exactly who you are and love exactly who you are. We all need to love each other - and this begins by LOVING OURSELVES, which is often the hardest place to start.

Day 7
  • I love myself. I approve of myself. I am gentle on myself. I respect myself. I take care of myself. I appreciate myself. I care for myself. I accept myself. I cherish myself. I am myself. I love myself.
  • I am so happy, right here, right now. I am filled with love and light and joy. I am peace. I am love. I am joy. I am tranquility. I am sincerity. I am beautiful. I am energetic. I am one with you all.
  • I am true to my highest self. I listen to my intuition. I I appreciate my angels. I follow my own path. I am living my desires. I am united with my highest self. I am one body, mind, and soul.
  • I am self-confident. I am courageous. I am bold. I am lively. I am ecstatic. I am joyous. I have great self-worth. I have high self-esteem. I see who I am. I know who I am. I am successful as me.
  • I am talented. I share my light with the world. I am creative. I am expressive. I am not fearful. I embrace newness, change, and opportunity. I love collaborating with others. I am a musician. 
  • I am a healer. I have good intentions. I share in the oneness with others. I have a successful healing business at-home. My career and personal life are united. I am peaceful. I am peace.
  • I am love. I see the beauty in everyone and everything. I see the love in everyone and everything. I am surrounded by loving beings, loving spirits. I am connected to everyone around me. I am love.
  • I am grateful. I have so much to be thankful for, so much to live for, so much to have excitement over. I am especially grateful for my wonderful angels, guiding me along in life, protecting me.
  • I am peaceful. I practice yoga and meditation daily. Yoga and meditation are huge components to my life. I am walking, living peace. I share my peace, my light with others. I am a healer. 
  • I believe in myself. I share my light with others. I know I can do whatever I put my mind to. I follow the law of attraction. I am positive. I am optimistic. I am confident. I am courageous.

Friday, November 11, 2011

it's easy to be lazy

i can't count the number of times i have abandoned the notion of daily affirmations - which really doesn't take long - thinking that it will require too much energy - or wanting to get on with the rest of my day. what i fail to realize in these moments, is that this is exactly what i need FOR the rest of my day! now, i have implemented a new system: recite affirmations and daily gratitudes in my bed before i even get up each morning, incorporating some self-reiki and meditation. that way, i don't even get up and start my day and feel the effects of a restless mind. i think the best way to wake up and to go to sleep is to establish this pattern - wake up full of gratitude and positivity, and go to sleep in the same fashion. then, i will also try to keep updating this blog as much as i am able, to remind myself mid-day or whenever it may be, what i desire, and therefore what i should continually affirm.

Day 6
  • I am healthy, active, fit, and beautiful.
  • I am whole; I am one whole being.
  • I am happy - right here, right now. I am in the present, and loving the present.
  • I embrace change.
  • I am in tune with myself, with my angels. I am on my truest path.
  • I trust in the flow of life - I practice non-resistance. I am open.
  • I am love. I am peace. I am joy. I am compassion.
  • I see only love, I see only beauty - in everyone and everything, even in those whom I find it hard to love. I see only love. I am a part of each person. 
  • I let my light shine. I am happy to be me, proud to be me, and I shine my light brightly.
  • I love myself. I approve of myself. I accept myself. I am gentle on myself. I am kind to myself.
Happy 11/11/11 - we are all one!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vision Board Affirmations

Today I will affirm in picture-form. I am going to pick 10 individual images that represent what I am, what I have, what I desire (in affirmation form).

Day 5

Monday, October 31, 2011

you are who you choose to be

Time and time again, I always return to the proclamation that you are who you choose to be. You are what you affirm. You are what you believe of yourself. The thoughts that you have, the words that you speak, the attitudes that you adopt, thus are so incredibly important - because they become reality. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Your thoughts manifest into reality. Think positively. Believe in yourself. Affirm great things for yourself - and believe these great things. If you just say the words, and no belief is attached - nothing will manifest, and your situation will remain the same. The key is to speak and believe - to proclaim and to know. The other key? Love yourself.

Day 4
  • I love myself.
  • I approve of myself.
  • I respect myself.
  • I am gentle on myself.
  • I care for myself.
  • I respect myself.
  • I am proud of myself.
  • I have high self-worth.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I am happy to be me.

Friday, October 28, 2011

a proclamation of self

I am who I choose to be. I choose to be me. I full, wholeheartedly accept myself for who I am, and I love myself for who I am. Because of this, I respect myself. I am gentle on myself. I take care of myself. I nurture myself. I adore myself and treat myself well. I believe in myself. I am self-confident. I have high self-worth. I know who I am, and I embrace who I am. I love myself. I am me.

We should recite something like this into our mirrors each morning and each evening. A Proclamation of Self! It's so important to believe in yourself, to be who you are, to express who you are. Each of us is truly unique, each of us has so much to offer to the world, there is nobody like me, like you, like he, like she. "I love myself" is the hardest thing to say, oftentimes. One of my spiritual mentors, Louise Hay - author of many acclaimed books, including one of my all-time favorites "You Can Heal Your Life," has readers affirm to themselves each day in the mirror, "I love you, Jamie Nicole Prosser," several times over. Most people cannot take this seriously, she explains, due to low self-worth, feelings of inferiority, self-hatred, self-disgust. That is no kind of life to live! We've all been there...let us rise up against low self worth, and love ourselves fully! There is no one like you or me in the existence of the world - let us embrace this fact with all our might and love, love, love ourselves dearly.

Day 3
  • I am a talented songwriter musician who shares her talents by performing, often.
  • I am a successful Reiki practitioner who attracts many wonderful clients.
  • I am surrounded by loving people and loving circumstances.
  • I am me, and I love myself!
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am healthy, fit, and attractive.
  • I have a wonderful job.
  • I embrace change.
  • I am empathically protected.
  • I achieve my dreams.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

it always gets easier

Although I've still experienced some recent downs in my life, my belief in the Law of Attraction has not faltered whatsoever. The recent downs have stemmed from my attracting of them. I let down my guard when I first moved to Wisconsin, and started partying, stopped reciting daily affirmations and gratitudes, stopped practicing yoga and meditation, and then became slightly depressed. Well, isn't it clear? I attracted the subsequent consequences of loneliness, sorrow, lack of direction, hopelessness. And by further focusing on these negatives, I attracted more of the same. Just because I ascribe to the Law of Attraction does not mean that I do not fall prey to both of its poles! Having this most recent experience, although jarring, does help me to stay away from those behaviors that are not conducive to reuniting me with my highest self. It is a struggle to push yourself back up and fill yourself with hope, love, and faith, but as you wake up each morning, the struggle becomes less and less. At the beginning of this week even, I struggled. I cried, I felt alone, I was not excited for anything. But I persisted, and over the past few days, my struggle has become a lot less evident, and I feel much lighter.

Besides a return to my lifestyle of healing and love, here is what saved me over the past few days: the knowledge that each moment is perfect, and as it should be. That my angels will always protect me, that they are looking out for me. I'm so glad I discovered my angels (though they've always been there). And they are funny little guys - sometimes playing tricks on me - well, tricks in the form of "signs" pointing me in some direction that will benefit me. Ever since I developed a closeness with them, I have felt an overwhelming sensation of safety, protection. I used to go to sleep scared - a little paranoid, superstitious - and I even lived above a restaurant - alone - way back in the middle of a dark forest on old Native American Ho-Chunk tribe sacral grounds. But having my angels present - or rather - knowing of their presence, eliminated all of my previous fears. Now, I am alone quite often, and I never feel fear. I am so grateful for my angels. If you can, take the opportunity to get to know your angels, your guides, your God, or whomever/whatever you may ascribe to (the universe, nature, love, friendship). Just the knowledge that you are never alone - someone/something is always with you, watching over you - this can make all the difference.

And now for my affirmations. When I choose affirmations, I close my eyes, and recite the first thing that comes to mind. For me, whatever first comes to mind, is likely what I need to affirm most of all. So you'll notice that sometimes, I repeat the same affirmation, day in, day out. Trust the process.

Day 2
  • I am a successful Reiki Practitioner who attracts wonderful clients.
  • I am a lover and a healer.
  • I am happy - right here, right now.
  • I am beautiful, healthy, and whole.
  • I love being me.
  • I am prosperous. I attract wealth.
  • This moment is perfect, and as it should be.
  • I release all negativity - mine and others.
  • I have a wonderful job that I love.
  • I trust in the flow of life.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is one of the central tenets to my life. Having read the titled book, and other literature corresponding to the law, I declare myself a lifetime follower. Like attracts like, positivity attracts positivity, negativity attracts negativity. The importance, therefore, of affirming what it is you desire (multiple times), cannot be put into words. I am going to track my daily affirmations from here on out.

Day 1
  • I am happy, right here, right now.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I am whole.
  • I am peaceful.
  • I attract loving, spiritual people.
  • I am united with my highest self.
  • I am self-reliant.
  • I am a talented musician.
  • I see the beauty in everyone and in everything.
  • I love and approve of myself.
Said multiple times in a row, at varying points in the day, can really help increase the law! :) For example, I try to recite affirmations 20x/each, a few times each day.